Sexual Violence- 5 Education (HIDDEN BUT IN USE. DO NOT DELETE)






Code of Conduct is reviewed and signed. Time is provided to ask questions of Bass Coast representatives as needed.

Acceptance of Code of Conduct required before online ticket purchases.

Training in sexual violence prevention and bystander intervention prior to the festival.



Volunteers on all teams complete training on inclusive and anti-oppressive language and power dynamics.




Sexual violence prevention education package provided to talent and suppliers.



Educational videos with an accompanying quiz and resource hand-out provided to all team members, talent, and suppliers. 


Managers will be given materials on sexual violence prevention and bystander intervention to give to their volunteers to review prior to arriving onsite or at orientation.



The Bass Coast Harm Reduction page on the Bass Coast website is kept up to date with information about sexual consent, harassment and assault.

The team is made aware of WorkSafe policies relevant to their role, including how the Code of Conduct informs Respectful Workplace procedures and how to report workplace harassment.


Pre-show messaging on social media about how to get help onsite.

Harm Reduction volunteer training will include in-depth training on sexual consent, sexual harassment, and bystander intervention.





General volunteer orientation includes education on Consent Culture at the event and the importance of checking in on people, highlighting that all crew have a role to play in identifying vulnerable attendees and assisting them to get support.




Branded messaging in the theme of consent and supporting each other to be posted in common areas of the festival, as well as in areas the staff and artists have access to.


Bass Coast Code of Conduct will be visible to all staff, attendees, suppliers, and artists as they arrive on site.

Harm Reduction outreach to all cars in the Thursday night lineup conducting education about expected conduct



The Harm Reduction resource space will include printed information about sexual consent, sexual harassment and bystander intervention.

Included in the workshop programming will be an offering related to safety and consent in the festival / live music scene.

Harm Reduction establishes set hours to be present in the Green Room / Artist Hospitality to provide education and support for people access the space.



Harm Reduction team has a presence in the Artist bar and backstage areas throughout festival 


Questions about physical and social safety are included in the attendee, volunteer, talent and staff post-event surveys. Feedback is reviewed and incorporated as appropriate.

Managers are given the opportunity to discuss feedback about physical and social safety and results from surveys in their post-event debrief.




The is available year-round to collect feedback and provide resources and support to the community. See 7.2.3 for more info on email management.