Bass Coast Harassment And Assault Policy

This is the official Harassment and Assault Policy created in 2016 for Bass Coast Festival. To promote transparency, we are sharing our internal policy.

We acknowledge that this is difficult and challenging discussion material that can bring up many emotions and potential triggers. Please find resources related to sexual assault and mental health on our website or by emailing This policy is a living document.


Sexual harassment and sexual assault, although not new phenomena, are emergent challenges currently facing festival-goers, music festivals and the music industry more broadly. Research has shown that sexual harassment and sexual assault can have long standing physical, emotional and social impacts on survivors. For attendees, experiences with sexual harassment and assault can interrupt and even ruin a positive festival experience, cause attendees to leave a festival or deter people from altogether attending music festivals. 

Harm Reduction programming at live events is closely tied to sexual response prevention and response. The Government of British Columbia recommends that mass gatherings such as music festivals include services to educate attendees about alcohol and other drugs and also establish a space for vulnerable attendees to receive support.

Learn more about Bass Coast’s Harm Reduction services.

Sexual violence prevention also works hand in hand with anti-oppression and social justice work. A person’s identity, background or situation - can all impact a person’s exposure to and experiences with sexual violence. These things can also influence who a sexual assault survivor tells and when.

Racialized, transgender, gender variant people and people with disabilities experience disproportionate incidents of violence NOT due to their identities, but rather due to individual and systemic bias, racism, neglect and oppression and this often goes hand in hand with a lack of sensitive, safe post-assault services. 

Sexual violence has been used, and continues to be used, as a tool of colonization and oppression.We recognize that any work undertaken to address sexual violence must be done with an intersectional lens, alongside the work to address power imbalances that result from gender inequality and other forms of oppression.

Learn more about Bass Coast’s Equity work.

Bass Coast has identified 4 core areas of focus for this policy:

EDUCATION - Educating the greater community on the root causes and prevention of power-based violence, including sexual violence, particularly how they show up within music communities. Section 5.0.

PREVENTION - Working to prevent power-based violence including sexual harassment and sexual assault during the event. Section 6.0.

DISCLOSURES and COMPLAINTS - The means by which team members and the public can bring incidents of sexual harassment, misconduct or violence to the attention of the Bass Coast Staff. Section 7.0.

ASSESSMENT and RESTORATIVE PRACTICES - Outlines how complaints will be looked into and potential outcomes. Sections 8.0 and 9.0.

We all come into the conversation about sexual violence with differing experiences, identities, trauma, knowledge, triggers, strengths, histories and lived experiences. A shared understanding of some terms can help make things easier to talk about.

This policy utilizes the term ‘survivor’ to refer to a person who experiences sexual assault. Bass Coast recognizes that some people and organizations prefer this term, while others may use the term victim/survivor. Some people and organizations may also use victim/survivor/survivor as one term. In navigating disclosures, Bass Coast representatives will follow the lead of the person disclosing to determine the language they identify with. 

Please see the glossary of terms used in this document (see bottom of document) and more generally when talking about sexual violence.

Confidentiality related to reports and disclosures of sexual violence is a top priority. Confidentiality is outlined in Section 11. 

This policy and the Code of Conduct referenced in Section 4.0, applies to Bass Coast:

attendees onsite at the festival and Bass Coast hosted events, and attendees interacting with Bass Coast digital spaces.

Team (Independent subcontractors, volunteers, and managers) is used throughout this policy for the purpose of simplicity. Team refers to anyone directly hired by Bass Coast during build, showtime, or tear down. 

Suppliers: An organization or business contracted by Bass Coast. Ex. A/V production companies, Security, Food Vendors, Spa Practitioners, Artisan Vendors, etc.

Talent: All talent is contracted individually. Artists, Workshop Presenters, Performance Artists, Art Installation presenters and Movement Instructors.

Please note the following about this policy:

Disclosures can only be taken:

  • from victim/survivors themselves (we are unable to take 3rd party reports)
  • Via the REES platform (we are unable to take disclosures of sexual violence over email)

Bass Coast may be limited in their capacity to respond to disclosures that come in in the 10 days before the show.

Bass Coast currently has a Code of Conduct for all team members, volunteers, artists, presenters and contractors. In 2020, the Code of Conduct was expanded to include attendees. It includes the following statement related to harassment and assault. This forms the foundation of our Harassment and Assault Policy.

“The Festival does not permit or condone inappropriate behaviour of any kind, which includes without limitation, any form of verbal, sexual, physical or emotional abuse and or harm; the use of derogatory or discriminatory language, gestures or actions; and any form of harassment, racism, sexism, homophobia or other targeted comments that are intended to cause personal offence or harm to any other person either at the Festival or through social media channels in relation to the Festival or the Bass Coast community."

Additionally, retaliation towards anyone sharing their experience is a violation of the Bass Coast Code of Conduct.

Read the whole Bass Coast of Code of Conduct here.






Code of Conduct is reviewed and signed. Time is provided to ask questions of Bass Coast representatives as needed.

Acceptance of Code of Conduct required before online ticket purchases.

Training in sexual violence prevention and bystander intervention prior to the festival.



Volunteers on all teams complete training on inclusive and anti-oppressive language and power dynamics.




Sexual violence prevention education package provided to talent and suppliers.



Educational videos with an accompanying quiz and resource hand-out provided to all team members, talent, and suppliers. 


Managers will be given materials on sexual violence prevention and bystander intervention to give to their volunteers to review prior to arriving onsite or at orientation.



The Bass Coast Harm Reduction page on the Bass Coast website is kept up to date with information about sexual consent, harassment and assault.

The team is made aware of WorkSafe policies relevant to their role, including how the Code of Conduct informs Respectful Workplace procedures and how to report workplace harassment.


Pre-show messaging on social media about how to get help onsite.

Harm Reduction volunteer training will include in-depth training on sexual consent, sexual harassment, and bystander intervention.





General volunteer orientation includes education on Consent Culture at the event and the importance of checking in on people, highlighting that all crew have a role to play in identifying vulnerable attendees and assisting them to get support.




Branded messaging in the theme of consent and supporting each other to be posted in common areas of the festival, as well as in areas the staff and artists have access to.


Bass Coast Code of Conduct will be visible to all staff, attendees, suppliers, and artists as they arrive on site.

Harm Reduction outreach to all cars in the Thursday night lineup conducting education about expected conduct



The Harm Reduction resource space will include printed information about sexual consent, sexual harassment and bystander intervention.

Included in the workshop programming will be an offering related to safety and consent in the festival / live music scene.

Harm Reduction establishes set hours to be present in the Green Room / Artist Hospitality to provide education and support for people access the space.



Harm Reduction team has a presence in the Artist bar and backstage areas throughout festival 


Questions about physical and social safety are included in the attendee, volunteer, talent and staff post-event surveys. Feedback is reviewed and incorporated as appropriate.

Managers are given the opportunity to discuss feedback about physical and social safety and results from surveys in their post-event debrief.




The is available year-round to collect feedback and provide resources and support to the community. See 7.2.3 for more info on email management.






The curation teams review the social media posts of the prospective talent before sending an offer. The social media scan is looking for discriminatory or disrespectful language towards women and/or marginalized groups.




The curation teams will reach out to a previous promoter to see how their experience was with the artist relating to respectful behaviour.




By signing their contract or volunteer agreement, staff, volunteers, talent and contractors are agreeing to adhere to the code of conduct.

A background review of potential suppliers is carried out before entering into a working relationship with the supplier. This may include references, business reviews, social media scans and inquiry into their policies, procedures and practices.



Suppliers are responsible for ensuring that their team participates in educational opportunities and signs Code of Conduct.





Talent will be given direct line to reach Harm Reduction should they need assistance




“Get help” text/ call number for safety support onsite.

Harm Reduction volunteers placed at each of the stages during peak crowds and early mornings.

Harm Reduction volunteers roam all areas of the site.

Harm Reduction carries out “safe walks” back to camp sites, checks in on people at agreed upon times and places, and responds to support calls to all areas on the site.

The Harm Reduction space includes an area for attendees who may be more vulnerable and potential targets for sexual harassment or violence (i.e. people who are under the influence of intoxicants) can comfortably remain as long as needed.

Harm Reduction regularly patrols the Green Room and backstage areas.




The festival undertakes a yearly assessment of all suppliers, sub-contractors, managers and vendors as outlined in Section 8.1.





section(s): 7.2.1

section(s): 7.2.2



section(s): 7.2.4


7.1 Onsite Support Team

Bass Coast has an onsite support team to support survivors of sexual violence. 

This onsite team is available to people who experience sexual violence at the event as well as people who are struggling related to past experiences as a survivor, including if they see their perpetrator at the event.

This team will be made up of volunteers within the Harm Reduction team, who are selected to be in this role while on shift. Bass Coast will aim to have 2 members of this team per shift. In the case that this cannot be met, one will be available on call. This team and schedule will be established before arriving onsite.

This team is curated to be as representatively diverse as possible to best support survivors. 

Members of this team need to have demonstrated knowledge of sexual assault, understanding of the impacts of trauma, active listening and understanding of gendered and sexual violence.  

This team will work with onsite security in responding to the needs of survivors.

7.2 Sexual Assault Disclosures

Bass Coast is aware that management or Harm Reduction may be the first point of contact for people wishing to disclose that the person who harmed them is onsite at the event or connected to the event. 

The first point of contact will need to determine whether this is a situation involving a: 

Disclosure - The survivor wishes to receive support listed in support Section(s) 7.1 and/or 12.0 with no action taken from the festival beyond documentation. 

Report  - Make a formal report to the festival as a means to mobilise an assessment and coordinated response from the festival and/or festival security.

New for 2024,  Bass Coast has partnered with REES (Respect, Educate, Empower

Survivors) to provide online reporting for unwanted sexualized behaviours. REES allows

festival-goers, performers, staff and volunteers to Create a Record of the incident and share it

with festival organizers. REES also provides information about community-based resources such as sexual assault centres, healthcare and other support services. This will be where on-site and off-season reports will be collected. Bass Coast will no longer accept disclosures or responses over email. 

REES can be accessed online at any time, year-round. Go to

Depending on the context of the assault, the time of disclosure, and who is the alleged perpetrator, Sections 7.2.1-7.2.4 outline the course of action.

IMPORTANT:  If disclosure involves a representative from the festival or involves a potential workplace safety issue, WorkSafe requirements must be met. See Section(s)  7.2.5.

7.2.1 Showtime Disclosure: Onsite Assault

Is the survivor in immediate further physical danger (i.e. being chased)?;

If yes: security to be dispatched immediately if they have not been already;

Security will respond as per their own protocols to identify the perpetrator, assess the risk to other attendees and determine the appropriate response;

Is the person in need of medical attention?

Radio to Medical and ask them to go on a private channel

Once on private channel, let them know you are bridging someone in for assessment due to a possible sexual assault onsite


Escort them to the Medical Tent 

Do not let them use the washroom or change enroute

Radio to Dispatch and ask them to go on a private channel

Once on private channel, let them know have brought someone to medical for assessment due to a possible sexual assault onsite and ask them to send someone to standby

Bass Coast Team member to enter details into the REES Reporting Platform

Assess if local sexual assault service should be called.

Incidents in which a crime has been committed (assault of any sort) where a survivor wishes to file a report with the police will result in a call to the police.

Ask if the Victim/Survivor if they plan to involve the police, and if so, they will need to make that call themselves. If yes, ensure that the Security Manager is aware of the call. 

Encourage the person reporting not to wash, shower or swim before talking to authorities while supporting the victim/survivor/survivor (if the survivor wishes to make a police report), collect as much info about the situation and other festival-goers involved;   

The safety and wellbeing of attendees are to be managed but no interviews or further statements are to be taken by the festival team before police take statements as part of their investigation on site. 

If they are not in danger, do not need medical attention, and do not want police called - should the Security still be involved?

If patrons are still onsite (it is still showtime), it is strongly advised that the security manager or team is strongly advised to check in with the victim/survivor. 

If they are not in need of medical attention and not in danger and not involving police:

Again, ask security to acknowledge them and let them know they are available if needed;

Take the survivor to a private area (sanctuary or other suitable place on site); 

Confidentiality must be adhered to as outlined in Section 11.0;

Offer the person disclosing the option of having a Harm Reduction member present as they wish throughout the process;

Harm Reduction team to offer further support to the survivor, friends, and festival-goers as needed;

Harm Reduction and security to create support plan with survivor for remainder of festival and following as per Section 12.0

Security to work with attendees involved, Harm Reduction, other teams as needed, and the survivor to determine what happens with the perpetrator, if they are not handed off to police. 

In situations where a survivor does not want police involvement, the security manager can assess the incident and recommend to Bass Coast Management whether an alleged perpetrator should be asked to leave the festival. 

Bass Coast reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to refuse entry to anyone without a refund of ticket or reservation/RV camping fees.

The details of the assault should be entered by the victim/survivor using the REES Reporting Platform. If the victim/survivor is unable to enter the details, a Bass Coast team member can enter then alongside the victim/survivor.

Bass Coast recognizes that sexual violence exists on a spectrum. In some situations, it may be more useful and build greater community capacity to respond with dialogue and education, as opposed to strictly employing punitive measures. As such, after the above steps are completed, the actions carried out in response will be incident-specific, take into consideration the ongoing safety of the community and the victim/survivor, and also be reflective of resources available at the time. Potential restorative or remedial practices that may be utilized are outlined in Section 9.0.

7.2.2 Showtime Disclosure: Offsite Assault

NOTE: Bass Coast may be limited in their capacity to respond to disclosures that come in the 10 days prior to the show. 

Bass Coast recognizes that due to the pervasiveness of sexual violence in the greater community, that there may be people on-site who have experienced sexual violence in their past. 

If someone discloses that they are seeking support and (to their knowledge) their alleged abuser is not onsite - the survivor is to be directed to the Harm Reduction team. Measures outlined in Section 12.0 are offered.  

If someone discloses that they are seeking support and their alleged abuser (from a previous assault that happened offsite) is onsite - a coordinated response between the survivor, security, and Harm Reduction will be required.

In either context:

Bass Coast representative to collect details using REES, even though the assault did not happen onsite 

A Harm Reduction team member will place a Yellow Sticker to be placed in top Right Hand corner of this persons visitor form

If disclosure involves a representative from the festival or involves a potential workplace safety issue, additional steps may be required as per WorkSafe policy, follow up with Production Manager.

Bass Coast representative to clarify limits of confidentiality as per Section 11.0

Working with the survivor, Harm Reduction and security,  follow relevant  and applicable actions outlined in Section 12.0.

7.2.3 Offseason Disclosure: Onsite Assault

Despite encouraging people to access options onsite, Bass Coast is aware and prepared for that fact that survivors may wish to disclose an onsite assault in the offseason. Disclosures will be received through the REES platform.

All patrons, team and artists are encouraged to utilize this platform for sharing their experiences of safety at Bass Coast and related events. 

Bass Coast staff will monitor the platform with assistance of the Harm Reduction Managers and the Equity Committee (when established) as appropriate. 

Initial messages will be acknowledged within 7 days.

Disclosures can only be taken:

  • from victim/ survivors themselves (we are unable to take 3rd party reports)
  • Via the REES platform

If a complaint is launched from the disclosure, assessment(s) will be completed as per Section 8.0;

Outcome of disclosure will take into consideration, findings of any assessment, the survivors wishes, capacity of festival, and recommendations from festival security and legal team;

Retaliation towards anyone sharing their experience is a violation of the Bass Coast Code of Conduct.

Despite encouraging people to access options onsite, Bass Coast is aware and prepared for that fact that survivors may wish to disclose an onsite assault in the offseason. This is to be done via the REES platform. Disclosures cannot be taken via email. All patrons, team and artists are encouraged to utilise this tool for sharing their experiences of safety at Bass Coast and related events. 

7.2.4 Offseason Disclosure: Offsite Assault

If the incident does not involve: 
A representative of Bass Coast or;
A situation that could create a hazardous or unsafe workplace


the incident did not happen at the festival or other Bass Coast event, the scope of this policy may limit the response to that of the supports outlined in Sections 10.0 and 12.0. 

7.2.5 Disclosures involving Bass Coast Team

Under the Workers Compensation Act, employers are required to ensure the health and safety of their workers. This includes an obligation to take reasonable steps to prevent or minimize workplace bullying and harassment.

Bass Coast is responsible for implementing policy and procedure to create a workplace that is free of Bullying and Harassment, which includes sexual harassment. The following obligations are met via this policy:

Taking steps to prevent or minimize abusive behaviour, as is defined in the Code of Conduct, Sections 5.0 and 6.0.

Developing and implementing procedures for reporting incidents Sections 5.3 and 7.0.;

Developing and implementing procedures for dealing with complaints from team member against team member. Section 8.0.

Any party working for Bass Coast who wishes to make a complaint about another worker has the option to access investigation and reporting and is protected from retaliation as per WorkSafe Legislation.

    8.1 ROUTINE:  Every year Bass Coast staff will undertake a review of all suppliers, sub-contractors, managers and vendors. Sources of information taken into account during this review, may include but are not limited to: 

    Feedback generated from attendee survey;

    Feedback generated from post-show management debrief;

    Feedback from other teams;

    Feedback from Bass Coast Equity Committee (when established);

    Feedback from members of greater Merritt Community;

    Compliance with Code of Conduct;

    Participation in Bass Coast hosted sexual violence prevention training;

    Business reviews;

    Review of social media accounts;

    Contradiction to Bass Coast’s own values in the area of Equity, Diversity and Sustainability;

    Demonstrated ongoing commitment to work, learning or policy in other intersecting areas such as equity, reconciliation, sustainability, diversity;

    The details, status, outcome and follow through in regards to a complaint (Section 8.2)  since the last assessment. 

    This review will be used to inform decisions around working with any party in question in the future. Bass Coast Festival reserves the right to re-evaluate contracts on an assessment and incident-specific basis.


    Reports will be acknowledged within 1 week of submission.

    When the alleged perpetrator is supplier, sub-contractor, manager or vendor (including staff thereof), the review outlined in Section 8.1 will be completed.

    The Bass Coast team will determine if the report fits within the scope of the policy. Often, Offseason Disclosures of  Offsite Assault assaults all outside of the policy, as the action took place in settings where the Bass Coast Code of Conduct is not in effect.

    If the report is within the scope, and the person making the report wishes to have additional action taken, an additional assessment will be prompted in a timely manner.

    The person carrying out the assessment will:  

    Inform the person against whom a complaint has been filed as soon as possible;

    Share this policy with all involved parties

    Remind all parties of the right to and limits of confidentiality. Section 11.0.

    Connect with the survivor and the alleged harasser separately;

    Connect with relevant third parties separately;

    Collect details using the Sexual Violence Incident Form;

    Decide whether, on a balance of probabilities, whether there has been a violation of the Code of Conduct; 

    Produce a report detailing the assessment details, findings and any recommendations for operational changes, prevention and/or restorative and remedial actions.

    If it is determined a Code of Conduct Violation took place:

    Suggest sensitive, relevant, remedial action(s) in consultation with the survivor and other 3rd parties as appropriate. Examples of remedies are outlined in Section 9.0;

    Consult with other teams or organizations (for example Harm Reduction or sexual violence prevention organizations) as needed while maintaining confidentiality;

    Follow up to ensure that the recommendations are implemented, changes implemented within a specified time frame, that there has been no further unwanted sexual behaviour, and that the survivor is informed of and satisfied with the outcome.

    If it cannot be determined that a Code of Conduct Violation took place

    The person conducting the assessment may still make recommendations to minimize risk and support well-being;

    Keep a record of all actions taken;

    Ensure that all records concerning the matter are kept confidential;

    Ensure that the process is done as quickly as possible after the complaint is made.


    As part of the process to conduct an assessment, Bass Coast may opt to use an internal or external investigator.

    The decision regarding who will carry out the assessment and whether an external investigator will be used will be determined based on various factors including: 

    the seriousness of the allegations; 

    whom the allegations are made against;

    any potential conflict of interest;

    any potential safety needs of either party;

    ability to undertake an objective/neutral process internally; 

    costs involved;

    the training/skills/ability of those available to conduct the investigation*. 

    * This section includes material from the Cultural Human Resources Council, 2018

    Bass Coast’s Harm Reduction framework shares many of the same values employed in Transformative and Restorative Justice, specifically in regards to concepts of Interconnectedness, Respect and Accountability. Bass Coast knows that addressing the root causes of violence must also work alongside anti-oppressive, corrective and remedial actions. 

    Recognizing that sexual violence exists on a spectrum, Bass Coast understands that in some situations of harm, it may be more useful and build greater community capacity to respond to harm with dialogue and education, as opposed to employing strictly punitive measures. As such, the actions carried out in response will be incident-specific, take into consideration the ongoing safety of the community and the survivor, be reviewed with the survivor, and be reflective of resources available at the time. Other teams and organizations may be consulted or involved in helping to identify restorative, remedial and/or disciplinary actions.  

    If either or both of the assessment outlined in Sections 8.1 and 8.2 confirms that a violation of the Code of Conduct took place, subsequent actions may include but are not limited to:

    An apology, verbal or written warning, a change to working arrangements, training for the perpetrator, mediation, training for the larger team, discipline, suspension, dismissal, revised contracts, revision of policy, increased supervision, documentation that perpetrator has completed a treatment or support program, documentation of completion of counselling about inappropriate behaviour, completion of specified readings, participation in a healing ceremony or other culturally or spiritually significant experience, establishing support links via pod mapping, sharing of further resources, and/or participation in a transformative and restorative justice program facilitated by an outside service. 

    Other measures as identified by Bass Coast, the survivor, the Bass Coast Equity Committee (when established), Harm Reduction Team, community leaders, or other connected stakeholder or consultant. 

    Bass Coast reserves the right to factor in its own internal capacity, resources, staffing and skills when selecting a response. 

    The assessment report will outline which actions will apply to which involved parties. Dates for follow-through will also be specified. Copies to be provided to all involved parties. Unless otherwise specified in the report, the perpetrator is responsible for all costs incurred in the remedial actions that are assigned to them. 

    Bass Coast is thankful to the labour of folks, in particular Black and Indigenous community leaders who have generously shared their learnings in this area which have informed this policy and inspired a commitment to further learning in this area, particularly: Transform Harm, Third Eye Collective, adrienne maree brown, INCITE!  And Mia Mingus to learn more.

    Sexual Violence disclosures and subsequent complaints from attendees that are shared after the festival via email, social media or other means will be collected via the Sexual Violence Incident Form.

    All information, including identities, accounts of interactions, and statements taken from attendees are to be kept confidential and secured, with access to digital files limited.

    See Section 9.0 for further details related to confidentiality.

    Confidentiality is an important principle in creating an environment where survivors feel safe to disclose, report, and seek support.  

    The information and records created and received in relation to the Sexual Violence Prevention Policy are subject to the access to information and protection of privacy provisions of the BC  Personal information Protection Act (PIPA) 

    Bass Coast representatives who receive a Disclosure or Complaint, or who are involved in addressing or investigating an incident must:  

    • Make every reasonable effort to protect Confidential Information and maintain confidentiality; 
    • Seek the consent of survivors before disclosing any Confidential Information to any third party. The only exceptions to this rule are related to: 
      • Minors in need of protection (BC Child, Family and Community Service Act)
      • Survivors, family members or community members who may be at risk of or vulnerable to severe injury or mortality. 
      • Perpetrators who may be at risk of committing severe injury or mortality. 
      • As requested by law including release required in court proceedings, arbitration or other legal proceedings.
      • As required for WorkSafe investigation.
    • Collect the minimum information about individuals that relates directly to and is necessary to respond to a complaint, which is considered to be supplied in confidence;    
    • Use information provided only for the purposes of, or those consistent with, addressing the situation, investigating or taking disciplinary action;
    • Relevant details of incidents (names in identifying factors removed) may be reviewed and used to make safety improvements at future events.
    • REES Privacy details

        A survivor-centred approach to sexual violence seeks to empower the survivor by listening, protecting their confidentiality and prioritizing their rights, needs and wishes to every extent possible. It includes survivors having access to appropriate, accessible and safe services including:

        Medical care as needed

        Social support


        Bass Coast will draw from a variety of resources, tools and actions to help support survivors onsite and in the off season which includes but is not limited to:

        Affirming their dignity and respect;

        Uphold confidentiality as outlined in Section 9.0;

        If it is an on-site disclosure, support provided by the Bass Coast Sexual Violence Support Team (Section 7.1), including support speaking with security and police when the situation dictates;

        If it is an on-site disclosure, access to a fully private area within the Harm Reduction space where they can name people they do not want in the space and a dedicated harm reduction worker;

        Information / resources at event; 

        Emailed list of support resource options. Section 12.2;

        If it is an on-site disclosure, distinct wrist band to wear onsite to alert staff to offer extra assistance / supports / safety interventions;

        If it is an on-site disclosure, access to the response team during showtime by coming to the Harm Reduction space or via the text call for help system;

        If it is an on-site disclosure, option and assistance to move their camp to a more secure location on site as needed;

        Clarity around timelines and communication methods and next steps;

        If it is an on-site disclosure, co-create a safety plan, and

        If it is an on-site disclosure,have reasonable and necessary actions taken to prevent further unwanted contact with the alleged perpetrator(s).

        13.1.  Annual Review 

        This Policy will be reviewed yearly in advance of the festival, based on data from event, feedback from attendee survey and in collaboration with event security and medical. All links and resources to be confirmed as current and accurate. 

        13.2. At the managers post-event debrief, relevant teams will report back on the implementation of this Policy. 

        14.1 Onsite, Showtime (to be filled out, printed and shared across teams and displayed in sanctuary)


        Phone Number

        Radio Channel 

        Security Lead

        First Aid Lead

        Harm Reduction Lead

        Occupational Health and Safety Lead

        Non Emergency Police

        Sexual Assault Response Team 

        Provincial victim/survivor Services

        Rape Crisis Line

        Local LGBT2QIA Agency

        Local Indigenous Agency

        Local Sexual Health Clinic

        14.2  British Columbia

        Salal Sexual Violence Support Centre (fomerly WAVAW)

        • Connect Text (604) 245-2425
        • Chat Online:
        • 24-Hour Crisis Line Nation-wide: 604-255-6344

        Battered Women Support Services 

        BC victim/survivors Services

        Third party reporting 

        Sexual Assault Response Teams

        Team of Registered Nurses with specialized education in sexual assault care. Support for individuals who have been sexually assaulted in the last 7 days with or without police involvement. Typically accessed through Sexual Assault Crisis Centres or hospitals. Referral may be needed.

        Vancouver  (UBC):

        • You have the option going directly to one of the hospitals listed below to be seen by the Sexual Assault Service for care, or you can call BC Women's Hospital switchboard at (604) 875-2424 and ask to speak to the Sexual Assault Service.  You will be connected directly to a Physician or Nurse examiner on the service and they can help direct your care at this time.
        • Vancouver General Hospital's Emergency Department (24 hours) 920 West 10th Avenue (near Broadway & Oak).
        • UBC Hospital's Urgent Care Centre Koerner Pavilion, 2211 Wesbrook Mall. 8:00am-10:00pm.
        • They can call the AMS Sexual Assault Support Centre, 604-827-5180, for support worker accompaniment.


        • The Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) provides immediate emotional support and information to people of all genders, 13 years and older, who have been sexually assaulted within the past 7 days.
        • To access this service, call the Vancouver Island Crisis Line ( 1-888-494-3888) and request to speak to a VSAC Sexual Assault Support Worker, or attend at Victoria General Hospital.


        BC Human Rights Commission

        14.3 Alberta

        Alberta’s One Line for Sexual Violence

        Sexual Assault Centre of Edmonton (SACE) 

        Strathcona Sexual Assault Centre (SAFFRON): 780-449-0900

        University of Alberta Sexual Assault Centre: 780-492-9771

        The 24-hour Calgary Sexual Assault Response Team (CSART)

        • This crisis response team provides specialized care to individuals who have been sexually assaulted within the past 96 hours. The service is available through the Sheldon Chumir and the Alberta Children’s Hospital. The team will travel to other hospitals when required.

        Alberta victim/survivors Services 

        Alberta Human Rights Commission


        14.4 Further Resources: 

        Trans LifeLine

        Basic and Immediate needs for Somali Candians (many resources for both BC and AB)

        Bass Coast Mental Health Resources

        Alcohol or drug facilitated sexual assault

        The use of alcohol or other drugs to intentionally incapacitate or sedate another person for the purpose of sexual assault. This includes an assailant targeting someone who is already observably intoxicated. [1]

        Acquaintance sexual assault

        A form of sexual assault in which the survivor has an existing relationship with the assailant. The assailant may be someone the survivor hardly knows, such as a friend of a friend or a first date, or they may be someone the survivor knows well, such as a partner or a close friend.  [2]

        Code of Conduct

        The Bass Coast code of conduct is the written values and expectations for behaviour that is expected of staff, volunteers, attendees, vendors, contractors and talent. Attendees are required to agree to the Code of Conduct as a part of ticket purchase. Anyone working with the event in any capacity is required to sign the Code of Conduct. 


        It is the act of informing someone (disclosing) in authority of an incident for the purpose of initiating a formal process.  In relation to this policy, complaints of sexual violence are received and examined in relation to violations of the Bass Coast Code of Conduct as well as WorkSafe Respectful Workplace policy. Depending on who was in violation and their relationship to the festival, the findings of an investigation may result in internal disciplinary, administrative measures, termination of contracts or other actions as the situation warrants.


        A tactic used to intimidate, trick or force someone to have sex without resorting to physical force. Some examples of coercion are:

        • Constantly putting pressure on someone and refusing to take no for an answer.
        • Implying sex is owed in return for things like: a guestlist spot, drinks, a ride to a festival.
        • Making someone feel guilty for not engaging in sex ("if you loved me you would...").
        • Continually buying alcohol or supplying drugs to inebriate the other person(s).
        • Being emotionally manipulative ("I can't live without you..."). [3] 


        Cyber violence is online behaviour that constitutes or leads to harm against the physical, psychological and/or emotional state of an individual or group. Cyber violence includes cyberstalking (by both strangers and abusive partners), unwanted advances, online harassment, non-consensual sharing of sexual images, identity theft and the sharing of private information. Cyber violence can take place in a multitude of online settings such as chat rooms, message boards, discussion forums, email, online directories, google searches and, of course, social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, YouTube, etc. [4]

        The behaviours that cyber violence enables, including bullying, blackmail, homophobia and misogyny, have existed offline for a long time. The reach and longevity of online technology, along with the relative anonymity allowed by the medium, has changed the nature and consequences of these behaviours.

        Digital Space

        Bass Coast’s social media platforms, livestreams and email communications.


        The act of making new information known for the purpose of seeking support and/or information. [5]. In reference to Bass Coast’s sexual violence policy, this is sharing details and not desiring any formal support from the festival, beyond resources. 

        Gender-based violence 

        Gender-based violence (GBV) involves the use and abuse of power and control over another person and is perpetrated against someone based on their gender identity, gender expression or perceived gender.  Violence against women and girls is one form of GBV.  It also has a disproportionate impacts on LGBTQ2 (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trangender, queer, questioning, intersex and two-spirit) and gender-non-conforming people.  GBV includes emotional and psychological violence, such as intentional misgendering, intentional "outing", and use of gendered slurs, as well as physical, sexual, and structural or systemic violence.  

        Harm Reduction 

        From Streetworks via Canadian Drug Policy Coalition [6]: Harm Reduction is a comprehensive, just and science-based approach to substance use. It represents policies, strategies and services, which aim to assist people who use legal and illegal psychoactive drugs to live safer and healthier lives. All substances have both positive and negative effects. Substance use may affect one’s health and legal vulnerability, and Harm Reduction recognizes that people use drugs for many reasons. Reduction of substance use and/or abstinence is not required in order to receive respect, compassion or service.

        Harm Reduction Team

        The Bass Coast Harm Reduction Team is a volunteer based team that works onsite during the event, and at select Bass Coast related events throughout the year.  They are selected for their academic, professional or lived experience in supporting people through non medical crisis and harm reduction needs. They work under the supervision of an onsite manager. The team is required to complete 8 hours of in-house training. 

        Interpersonal violence

        Also referred to as Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and Domestic Violence, it is the abuse of power and control within a past or current relationship that endangers the well-being, security or survival of another person. Interpersonal Violence can occur in all types of relationships (e.g., dating, long-term, common-law, marriage, etc.). It can also occur between roommates and close friends. Often, the abusive behaviours can be difficult to detect because they are perpetrated in a manipulative and subtle way, particularly in new relationships, and are often disguised as acts of love and caring. IPV commonly starts off as emotional and/or verbal aggression or abuse, and can occasionally lead to acts of physical violence. An abusive partner will use different forms of violence to maintain control in their relationship or a sense of power over their partner. This pattern is known as the Cycle of Violence.  [7]


        Popularized by Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw in the 1980s, the terms refers to intersections between the facets of one's identity (see also social location) and related forms or systems of oppression, domination or discrimination. Sexual assault and harassment affect people of all ages, genders, sexual orientations, races and ethnicities, socioeconomic status, and abilities. An intersectional approach to sexual assault and harassment recognizes that individuals who belong to certain marginalized identities and communities are disproportionately affected by sexual assault and harassment. The different aspects of an individual’s identity shape their experience of sexual assault or harassment and a survivor’s position within society impacts their ability to access support and how other people will interpret and respond to a disclosure. [8]


        In 1983, the Criminal Code of Canada was amended to replace the offences of rape and indecent assault, amongst others, with three new sexual assault offences, provided in sections 271, 272, and 273 of the code. These amendments focus on the violent rather than sexual nature of the offences. In addition to expanding the definition, the new legislation clarified that if wasnt just women that could be the victim/survivor of sexual assault and that the spouse of a victim/survivor could be charged with sexual assault. [9]

        Rape culture

        A culture in which dominant ideologies, media images, social practices and institutions promote or condone, either implicitly or explicitly, the normalization of male sexual violence and victim/survivor blaming. In a rape culture, incidents of sexual assault, rape and general gender-based violence are ignored, trivialized, normalized and/or made the fodder of jokes and entertainment. [10]

        Safe(r) space

        An area or forum where there are stated norms against (certain forms of) exclusion, discrimination and oppression. A Safe(r) Space challenges and confronts oppression and discrimination. A safer space is a supportive, non-threatening environment where all participants can feel comfortable to express themselves and share experiences without fear of discrimination or reprisal. The word safe(r) is used to acknowledge that safety is relative: not everyone feels safe under the same conditions. Creating a safer space involves acknowledging the experiences of each person in a space. [11]

        Sanctuary Space

        At Bass Coast festival, the sanctuary space is a set location on site during show time. It is a space where people in non-medical distress can connect with a member of the Bass Coast Harm Reduction team. The sanctuary space is open 24 hours a day during the festival.

        Sexual assault

        Sexual assault, which includes any form of unwelcome activity, or attempt at activity of a sexual nature imposed by one person (or more) on another without consent. It can include a spectrum of sexual activities,  contact that is forced, manipulated, or coerced, employing the use of drugs and or  power over person to control, overpower or subdue a person for purposes of sexual contact and sexual activity with another person they know, or reasonably ought to have known, is mentally or physically incapacitated.

        Sexual Harassment 

        Sexual Harassment is a form of discrimination. It involves any unwanted physical or verbal behaviour that offends or humiliates and targets someone based on their gender, gender expression, sexuality, sexual expression or sexual orientation. It can include: unwanted whistling leering sexist, homophobic, racist, or transphobic slurs persistent requests for someone’s name, number or destination after they’ve said nosexual names, comments and demands and comments on ones body, dress, dance or clothing. It can also include but is not limited to psychological violence, verbal abuse, manipulation and coercion.

        Sexual violence 

        This is an umbrella term for many behaviours. The United Nations defines sexual violence of  “is[a]ny violence, physical or psychological, carried out through sexual means or by targeting sexuality.” The festival experiences  reported in the media recently include, but are not limited to: sexual assault, rape, harassment, stalking, groping indecent /sexualized exposure, degrading imagery and voyeurism.

        Social location

        A term which refers to both how one locates oneself and is located by others based on the position one holds within society. Social locations includes one's age, gender, race, culture, ethnicity, ability, religion, class/socio-economic status, sexual orientation, and/or citizenship status. [12] It refers to how these different positions intersect and operate at a structural (societal views; social policies); institutional (health and social services; schools); community (neighbourhoods; community centres); and personal level. [13]


        The willful, malicious, and repeated following and/or harassing of another person; is a form of criminal harassment under section 261 of the Criminal Code of Canada. It can involve repeatedly following a person, watching their house, repeated communication with the person and/or threats to them or their family. [14] Examples of stalking behaviour include:

        • Continuous communication, either directly or indirectly, with the person. This may include calling on the phone repeated text or social media messages, repeated letters or stealing mail.
        • Repeatedly following a person. This may include watching the person, tracking them, showing up at their home, work or school uninvited, being present at parties or events where the stalker knows the person will be. The stalker may also follow someone known to the person.
        • Attempting to woo the person into a relationship by constantly sending flowers, candy, love letters, etc.
        • Turn to intimidation and threatening behaviour when the person refuses the stalker's unwelcome advances. [15] 


        Both terms are used to refer to a person who was sexually assaulted. In the 70's and 80's, advocates and activists in North America who worked to support those who have been sexually assaulted encouraged moving away from the term "victim/survivor" to the term "survivor". Now most commonly used in North-America, the term "survivor" generally focuses on agency and resilience whereas "victim/survivor" refers to the person being victim/survivorized by someone else and focuses on elements outside of a person’s control. [16] “victim/survivor” is commonly used in the judicial system (by the police and in court) and is the most common term in the media. It is equally possible for a person to be a survivor and a victim/survivor depending on their experience. Personal, cultural, and socio-political reasons may influence a person in self-identifying with either term. [17]


        A form of sexual violence response that prioritizes supporting the survivor and protecting their rights. The approach also aims to help those who have been assaulted begin to define their own experience.[18]


        An organization or business contracted by Bass Coast. Ex. A/V production companies, Security, Food Vendors, Spa Practitioners, Artisan Vendors, etc.


        All are contracted individually. Artists, Workshop presenters, Performance Artists, Art Grant presenters, Movement Instructors.


        Independent subcontractors, volunteers, and managersTeam refers to anyone directly hired by Bass Coast during build, showtime, or tear down. 

        Victim blaming

        The act of blaming the occurrence of sexual assault on the survivor instead of the person who committed the sexual assault. victim/survivor blaming can be very implicit. For example, recommending that one does not wear revealing clothing, travel alone at night, or engage in sexting implies that such actions provoke sexual assault. A non-victim/survivor blaming response acknowledges that people make choices to violate the bodily integrity of others, and that they alone are responsible for these choices. [19]


        WorkSafe BC defines any individual in a workplace setting such as a supervisor, employee, volunteer, contractor, temporary employee, or any other worker who provides a service to the Organisation.